Team Jack Podcast Guide Episode #52: “What’s a Lexicon?” -originally aired March 21, 2013

1:00 Jack and Matt discuss their google searches. Matt details his google searches on his Iphone. One is “C-3P0 smoking.” Yes, this photo does exist:

Whoops! C-3PO early 1980’s anti-smoking PSA:

2:59 Jack goes over his search history. Crave Review, Oscar party, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Facebook(?!)

4:22 Guest this week is Laura Byrne-Cristiano of The Twilight Lexicon. She is from New York originally. 2012 Vulture article on Laura:

Laura at the recording of Team Jack Episode 52:

6:20 Laura is the co-founder of Twilight Lexicon: Quote by author of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer: Twilight Lexicon is “...the brightest star in the Twilight online universe...”

Website header:

Twilight Lexicon was founded in March of 2006, the largest Twilight still running and going strong.

7:14 Origin Story. Jack met Laura at a Summit dinner during the MTV Awards for Eclipse. They got to meet Bill Condon and see early footage of Breaking Dawn Part One.

9:20 Laura covers Dr. Who, Twilight, and Once Upon A Time for She also covers Sherlock and other fantasy themes:

12:15 Laura is a “passionate fangirl.” Who was your first crush, on your locker? Scott Baio!!!!

1:13:00 As far as italian “Teen Beat” boys go, Jack would put Ralph Macchio (Karate Kid era) above Scott Baio:

13:40 The first thing Laura was really obsessed with were The Chronicles of Narnia books. And then Harry Potter. Fantasy franchises written by brits. Not a huge Tolkien fan. Silmarillion discussion:

17:00 How did her Harry Potter obsession start? Visited The Warner Brothers Studio Tour for Harry Potter in Leavesden last summer. Said it’s amazing but densely compact:

King's Cross Station: Potter Nerd Mecca

18:25 Matt asks if Jack does location visits? Of COURSE. When he needs to chill out Jack will actually drive to Elliot’s house from ET in the Seven Hills neighborhood of Tujunga, sometimes even the Simi Valley Poltergeist house. “The two most important suburban homes from the summer of 1982.”

ET house then (movie still):

ET house now:

Cool little video about locations in ET:

Poltergeist House then and now:

19:37 Jack has been to the Amityville House. Laura never has even though she grew up around there.
Amityville Horror House:


Amityville Dollhouse:

Matt talks about the “infamous” hotel where Connie Francis was raped in 1974. Story:

After her modest success with "(Should I) Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree?" Francis began performing regularly again. While appearing at the Westbury Music Fair in New York, on November 8, 1974, Francis was raped at the Jericho Turnpike Howard Johnson's Lodge and nearly suffocated to death under the weight of a heavy mattress the culprit had thrown upon her. She subsequently sued the motel chain for failing to provide adequate security and reportedly won a $2.5 million judgment, at the time one of the largest such judgments in history, leading to a reform in hotel security. Her rapist was never found.”

20:42 Laura did a little “Dr. Who” tour in New York. Matt happened upon the “Ghostbusters” firehouse one day in New York and was very excited:

Matt talks about real life location from a work of fiction, Stephen King’s “The Dark Tower.”

Location is based on One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in New York:

In the book there’s a park across the street with a turtle, someone later put a turtle sculpture in that park to reflect the book (cool):

22:37 Jack takes a pic of Matt recording for the episode guide (yeah!):

22:40 Roger Rabbit/Back to the Future Two Tunnel in Griffith Park is another big movie location in LA. Matt is a huge Roger Rabbit fan. Video of tunnel:

Roger Rabbit still:

Back to the Future Two:

AND site of Marissa’s death scene in The OC!

23:50 Third installation of book for Roger Rabbit Three coming out online? In the book they are comic book characters. More literary than cinematic. Info on the books:

24:52 What else will Laura check out when she goes to London in November? Sherlock locations in Cardiff? She is going to the Dr. Who three day Convention in London-50th Anniversary of Dr. Who. Info:

Will she go to Comic Con? Of course. Looking forward to Walking Dead, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, Hunger Games. Thinks the “next big thing” is the Mortal Instruments series. Jack disagrees.

30:00 Matt is surprised that two Twilight people are in the new X-Men movie. Boo Boo Stewart and Daniel Cudmore. X-Men discussion-how will they fit all these people in the movie?

Daniel Cudmore reprises his role as Colossus:


31:26 Famous poster Matt talks about-“Charles Xavier slain”

Matt talks about Bryan Singer (director of X-Men, Days of Future Past) recently tweeting this photo of cast headshots (hierarchy?):

33:40 Mid to late July, 2014 will be a busy time for movies, X-Men and so far the new Wachowski movie coming out “Jupiter Ascending.”

Jack reads the Wikipedia synopsis of X-Men: Days of Future Past:

39:31 “The Hobbit” moved out of release in Summer 2014 to November. Probably better for the “marketing juggernaut” that is a Lord of the Rings movie. They discuss various marketing of new movies around LA.

43:00 Warner Brothers movies bombing. For example, Jack the Giant Slayer.

45:00 Laura talks about “The Host” premiere, sci-fi novel that Stephenie Meyer wrote, book actually came out before Breaking Dawn. Matt is bugged that an earlier Korean movie he likes has the same name.

Stephenie Meyer’s The Host. Trailer and featurette:
Should all Twilight fans read “The Host” too? Jack has met many in the fandom that have never read it. By and large, Laura really liked the movie.

51:58 Matt ask regarding JK Rowling’s adult novel-did anyone read it? Laura says “I tried.” A bestseller but not as popular as Harry Potter of course.  

55:51 A new Young Adult series Laura likes is “Grave Mercy” by Robin LaFevers. What genre is going to continue to keep your attention?

57:00 Matt brings up the movie “Revolutionary Road” and Sam Mendes enters the conversation. He will not direct next Bond movie, probably smart. How do you follow that up?

58:00 Jurassic Park 4-fairly unknown director announced? Why? Story:

1:02:40 Back to Bond-who will step into the director’s chair for the next installment? Discussion of who will definitely NOT direct. Spielberg?

During a recent interview (November, 2012) with England's Daily Mail newspaper, Steven Spielberg revealed his one-time desire to direct a James Bond movie.
"I went to Bond producer Cubby Broccoli and asked if I could do one and he said: 'No,'" Spielberg told the paper. "I've never asked again."

1:07:26 Back to Twilight. Laura watched the seven part documentary at Jack’s house months ago. Any questions from Laura/fans? A lot of questions about the french coven. There was a single scene shot with them in Baton Rouge, a scene similar to when Aro confronts Toshiro.
French coven members Henri and Yvette (played by Amadou Ly and Janelle Froehlich):

1:10:15 Also, everyone wants to know...where is Garrett’s speech?!?!?! Loved the audition scenes on the DVD but where is the speech? Jack says it’s a really long scene in the already long snowfield sequence, takes place before the battle. It does exist in its best form, as far as how Bill wanted the performance. If these deleted scenes ever do surface, they will still have to go through Bill after all the visual effects are done. (*KBV stomps feet*)

Awesome Lee Pace audition footage from the documentary:

1:13:52 Egyptians leave the battle?

Alistair-did he really leave before the battle? Conversation with Bella in the movie hints that he leaves. There was a lot of back and forth on how to do it.

1:18:33 Did Laura really name the book Breaking Dawn? YES. She tells Jack the story. Mugglenet 2008 Podcast with Stephenie Meyer where she talks about the title and Laura (Pel):

Laura and Andrew Sims (previous Team Jack podcast guest) from

1:23:11 Jack gave Laura a Breaking Dawn cast and crew wrap gift-laptop bag that says Breaking Dawn. Very nice!

1:24:36 Jack listened to his first appearance on Kevin Smith’s morning show on his walk this morning (July, 2011). Plus One Per Diem: Episode 43, Jack appears at approximately 40:23

Matt took a picture of Jack recording Episode 52! Cute!


Posted on March 25, 2013 .